Monday, December 15, 2014

Revving Up for the Rooster Games

The Rooster Games have arrived at the CMS library!

Well, the MINI Rooster Games have!

Mrs. Mann has put together a mini Rooster Games presentation for the 5th grade students to give them a little taste of the fun they will have on January 27th! The fifth graders were divided into teams and jumped right into the competition.

The 5th graders did a great job identifying illustrations from the Rooster books, unscrambling character names, identifying objects representing the books, and more!

At the end of the games, the student who had read the most books on each team received an "MVP" bookmark; Mrs. Mann reminded them all that the more books they read, the more valuable they'll be to their teams in January!  For those students who want to read more, there’s still plenty of time. The games for grade 5 are on January 27th, and only 5 books need to be read to participate. Participants will not only have the chance to play games all day long, they will also get free ice cream provided by the PTO! 

Winter vacation is a great time to catch up on your Rooster books. Parents, encourage your kids to read this vacation so they can participate in the games!

The CMS library staff wishes you and your families a restful holiday break.