Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Welcome to 2016-2017!

The CMS Library is so excited that all of our students, grades 5-8, now have devices! Students in grades 5-7 have been learning how to use the Chromebook in the classroom, while our 8th grade students are taking full advantage of the learning opportunities provided through their MacBook Air!

Parents, would you like to learn more about the Chromebook or the MacBook? Take a look at our parent guides for both devices, as well as using Google Classroom, Google Drive, and checking out an eBook. Click here to access! 

Our media specialists have been busy introducing new technology tools for students to use on their new devices. Our 8th graders have created book trailers and book reports using Animoto. Our 5th graders have been learning about Destiny Discover, our new and improved library catalog. Students have also been learning about how to use Noodle Tools to assist them with research projects, papers, and more!

Recently, the fifth grade was lucky enough to host Nora Raleigh Baskin, author of one of the Rooster Games books this year, Ruby on the Outside. This book tells the story of 11-year-old Ruby, who struggles with a secret as she prepares to start middle school.

Like Ruby, Ms. Baskin struggled with her own secrets as she was growing up. But, she found that writing was a way for her to escape her struggles and be who she wanted to be! Ms. Baskin graciously shared her story with our CMS 5th graders, and encouraged them to keep working through their own struggles until they find their passion. We are so grateful for all who helped to make this happen!

Next week, we are excited to welcome back the Scholastic Book Fair! The book fair will be open from Monday, October 31 to Thursday, November 3. Parents, if you would like your child to participate, please send them to school with money on their scheduled day. Checks can be made out to "CMS Library." 
  • Monday, October 31: Grade 5
  • Tuesday, November 1: Grade 6
  • Wednesday, November 2: Grade 7 and RYSE
  • Thursday, November 3: Grade 8 
Purchases can also be made online here. The online fair will be open from October 28 to November 5. All proceeds from the book fair will benefit the CMS Library Media Center. The success of prior book far has allowed the library to purchase curriculum related and student requested books and other resources. Your support is greatly appreciated! Thank you!  

Thursday, May 26, 2016

What's been going on lately at CMS library?

What has been going on lately in the CMS library? 

6th grade students, teachers, and the library media specialists have been working hard to complete 4th quarter research projects. Students are researching a wide variety of topics and are synthesizing their research by creating lots of different types of projects! To take a look at the guides for these projects, check out the "for students" tab on our lib guides here

5th grade has been working with Ms. Kelley and our computer teachers to learn about the importance of evaluating websites. This is an important skill to have in your digital literacy toolbox! Parents, ask your kids what the 5 key terms are for investigating websites! 

Are you smarter than a 7th grader? Want to look for audiobooks or find a certain book at a specific reading level on a specific topic? All 7th grade students have received instruction on advanced searching and that includes our online catalog. To learn how to search more efficiently and effectively please watch this screencast. https://www.youtube.com/embed/f9cyg9iBtiI

Parents, Please Note: Information about summer reading is available now on our Lib Guide. Packets will be handed out to students before the end of the year. 

And don't forget about our upcoming events:

6th Grade Rooster Games: June 7th 
7th and 8th Grade Teen Book Battle: June 14th
Highly Capable Program Showcase: June 9th from 2:45-3:45 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thanks for all your support: Rooster Games and Book Fair

In the beginning of February, the 5th grade had a great time celebrating the Rooster Games! Competition was tight, and students had fun playing games using their knowledge of the RI Children’s Book Award Nominees. Thank you to all parent volunteers who helped us make this day possible, as well as the PTO who provided an ice cream treat for the students. Check out some pictures below!

This month, students voted on their favorite Rooster Game book. Student votes were sent into the RICBA committee and tallied with votes from students all across Rhode Island. The votes have been counted and the winner of the 2016 RI Children’s Book Award is…

El Deafo by Cece Bell

Thanks to all who voted!

Last week we held a successful book fair. Thanks to all parents and students who helped support the CMS library through the book fair. The money we've raised will go toward improving the CMS library!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Book Trailers Made by Our Talented CMS 8th Graders

This year, the library media specialists have been working with students who are now part of our 1:1 program, teaching them how to use their new technology to enhance reading and researching experiences in class.

This month, Mrs. Allen's 8th grade class has been hard at work creating book trailers to promote the books they have read this quarter. First, they looked at what components make up a good book trailer. Then they created a story board, brainstorming for their script and the kinds of visuals they wanted to present. Finally, they learned about a new technology called Animoto. This is a basic video editing tool which they used to personalize their own book trailers. Students had a great time picking music and themes to set the tone of their trailer, choosing the right visuals, and adding their own personal touches. The end results were spectacular! The book trailers will be exhibited on the TV in the library so that the whole school can enjoy them. Check out a few of them below!

Check our blog next month for more information about other exciting technology projects in the library!

And don't forget these important upcoming dates:

5th Grade Rooster Games: February 9

Book Fair: March 8-11