Thursday, May 26, 2016

What's been going on lately at CMS library?

What has been going on lately in the CMS library? 

6th grade students, teachers, and the library media specialists have been working hard to complete 4th quarter research projects. Students are researching a wide variety of topics and are synthesizing their research by creating lots of different types of projects! To take a look at the guides for these projects, check out the "for students" tab on our lib guides here

5th grade has been working with Ms. Kelley and our computer teachers to learn about the importance of evaluating websites. This is an important skill to have in your digital literacy toolbox! Parents, ask your kids what the 5 key terms are for investigating websites! 

Are you smarter than a 7th grader? Want to look for audiobooks or find a certain book at a specific reading level on a specific topic? All 7th grade students have received instruction on advanced searching and that includes our online catalog. To learn how to search more efficiently and effectively please watch this screencast.

Parents, Please Note: Information about summer reading is available now on our Lib Guide. Packets will be handed out to students before the end of the year. 

And don't forget about our upcoming events:

6th Grade Rooster Games: June 7th 
7th and 8th Grade Teen Book Battle: June 14th
Highly Capable Program Showcase: June 9th from 2:45-3:45